Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day 1, on my Journey

Hello all,

Today I begin Day 1 of my Journey.

Since my divorce, not only have I been estranged from my ex-wife, I have been estranged from my children as well.  After my wife and I separated, I was embarrassed and ashamed of myself for not being able to finish my life long commitment.  I was depressed and felt guilty and really didn't want to be with anyone, including my children.

Over the past few years I have began talking with them and doing more things with them; each in their own way.

(Right turn, change in thought)

As many of you know or understand, technology people aren't usually the first people that come to mind when one thing think of "Physically Fit" people.  I am no exception to that rule.  At 45 now, I began to wonder if I will ever again be able to see my toes standing up straight.  The hair is going from brown and full to gray and going!  Sleep and doing computer work are my two most favorite hobbies, with the occasional lawn mowing thrown in.  I live a block from work and can count on two hands the number of times I have walked or rode my bike to work.  I am beginning to feel and look like those people in WALL-E.

(Left turn, back in thought)

Today, I saw that one of my sons had posted that he is going to do the Tough Mudder.  He did it last year with his brother.  So I thought.....here is my chance to do something with my son.  So I asked if I could do it with him.  He said, yes!  September 7th or 8th, 2013 at the EAA in Oshkosh.  http://toughmudder.com/events/wisconsin-2013/?gclid=CO-tibybhbcCFSJlMgodaDMAFg

Now, you must know a little something about my son.  He is a former active duty Marine.  He is built like a tank, and works-out a lot.  He is a little bigger than I was at his age, but built like I was built.  We joke around because I was former Navy, Submarines.  We didn't fight, go into combat.  We were 100's or more miles away from most combat, where, if threatened, we pushed buttons and ran away.

So...today begins my journey.  First, to do something with my son.  Second, to get in any other shape but round.

First issue, shoes.  I have some damaged feet from my military days, and I need to find something that is tolerable.   I have been told that once I lose 5-10 lbs, my feet will start to feel better.  However, I need to get moving to lose the 5-10 lbs.  Ugh.

Second issue, diet.  I came home today to a refrigerator full of great tasting food, that will keep me fat forever.  I went to the store and got some of my old friends.  One thing that I really enjoyed was fruit and vegetable smoothies.  I would take whatever fruit I had laying around and throw it in the blender with some yogurt, OJ, or whatever other juice I had.  Today, I had to go to the store and actually buy fruit.  So.....today's dinner was Orange, strawberry, apple, peach, yogurt, and even the dreaded fruit BANANA!

Third issue, exercise.  Just going to do it is the hard part.  For the past few weeks I have been walking around my block once a day.  I got up to being able to run around my block once.  However, my feet/shoe issue is throwing that off.  Today, I ran to the post office.  Maybe a little more each day.  I put air in a bike I was borrowing from my son and did a short 6 mile bike ride.  Not enjoyable on a mountain bike, but exercise that my feet could tolerate

Thank you son for allowing me to do this with you.

So, Day 1...

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