Sunday, June 30, 2013

4 Days before my first race!

Hello all,

Well, I am counting down to my first race in over 20 years.  5k.  And do I have the butterflies!

I keep thinking, "Am I ready?"  "Should I train harder?"  "What else could I have done?"  "Maybe I should get another workout in?"

Along with all the other drama that is happening in my life, running this race is adding worry and concern.  I know I shouldn't do anymore right now.  I shouldn't change anything.  And even if I do more, it isn't going to make any difference.  In fact, the more I read, the I think that if I work too hard I might actually fatigue or hurt myself and then not be able to even run the race.

Each time I get up off the couch or move to go do something, I do a push-up or sit-up to curb my need to do something.

I am probably going to work out tomorrow, and run on Tuesday, but take off completely on Wednesday.

Well....this will probably be my last blog until after the 5k.  Wish me well and a finish!

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